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Feb. 7, 2024

Moral Guidelines Without God: A Scriptural Rebuttal of the Book, Soul Boom Why We Need a Spiritual Revolution’s Philosophy

Moral Guidelines Without God:  A Scriptural Rebuttal of the Book, Soul Boom Why We Need a Spiritual Revolution’s  Philosophy

In this episode (99), host, Rebecca Berschwinger tackles chapters 8 and 9 of Rainn Wilson’s book, where she dismantles the proposed principles of Soul Boom, the Religion, using God’s Word. See show notes for some of the topics covered in this episode.

In this episode (99), host, Rebecca Berschwinger tackles chapters 8 and 9 of Rainn Wilson’s book, where she dismantles the proposed principles of Soul Boom, the Religion, using God’s Word. Topics include:

– The authors rejection of the doctrine of hell and eternal punishment

 -Soul Boom’s creation of moral guidelines without God 

 -Patriarchy and leadership roles and the idea that all interpretations of holy writings are valid and worthy of consultation

 – Questioning the inclusivity of Soul Boom’s faith, ie comparison to the Christian church’s acceptance of repentant sinners

– The validity of  spiritual teachings from ancient biblical prophets and writings

– The need for accountability and addressing sin in others while examining one’s own faults

– Discussion of various aspects of life on Earth, including war, climate change, and disunity

– World peace without Jesus Christ

-Belief in extraterrestrial life 

– The lack of progress in civility, morality, and science, including the rejection of fixed gender 

– Creating a new religion based on humanistic teachings and the need for a new great teacher

– Creating a religion that emphasizes life experience over doctrinal beliefs

– Stressing the necessity of the God of the Bible in making compassionate moral choices

– The Church’s stance on welcoming but not affirming individuals who do not turn from what the -Bible defines as sin and trust in Jesus Christ

– The belief in inherent goodness in humans

– The rejection of patriarchal beliefs and the need to rehonor the divine feminine in constructing the faith of the future

– Use of feminine language to refer to God

– Encouragement for listeners to stay close to God, cut out distractions, and pray for global leaders

– Emphasis on hope in Jesus Christ and a reflection on the state of the world, including climate change and biblical prophecies