Be the Light. Dispel the darkness!
Nov. 30, 2021

Ep. 28 Eschatology; One of Satan‘s Best Kept Secrets. Part 2

Ep. 28 Eschatology; One of Satan‘s Best Kept Secrets. Part 2

Did you know that there are a total of 8,000 prophetic verses in the Bible and 23 out of 27 New Testament books mention the second coming of Christ? Approximately one third of the Bible is prophecy so why are so many churches ignoring it? In this episode about the importance of the study of end time biblical prophecy, Sara Broyhill Anderson returns to co-host with Rebecca as they discuss the facts vs the myths about end times prophecy, and how and why the proper study of it increases our faith and hope. Visit for links to valuable resources that will inform, encourage, and equip you in the proper study of biblical end times prophecy. God has graciously given us a heads up as to what our future holds. Let us not ignore His gift to us! P.S. Looking for unique Christian t-shirts that proclaim God's truths? Check out our store at